The one question that has always come up in my career as a voice teacher is "what musical theatre songs can you recommend for kids and teens?." And for years I have always recommended the usual list that is out there. It really is tricky finding age appropriate material for young performers. There aren't a ton of songs out there for that age group. Though there are a bunch of of great shows and "junior" versions of existing musicals, few tunes are written specifically for adolescent performers. That is why I decided to do something about it!

Besides being a voice teacher I am also a musical theatre composer. I have written shows for young people and have worked with some incredible young Broadway talent. I teamed up with my long time friend and lyricist, Sarah Ziegler and we decided to create a new book of songs for young performers called "The Tweens 'N Teens Songbook."
So many of you are super talented musical theatre performers craving fun, new material to work on. That's why we decided to write this book of songs to help fill that gap.

There are 10 new songs in the book. The songs are fun, funny, emotional, and varied in tempo and style. The new songs include: It's Just Not My Thing * Julia, You're fired! * I've Got Two * What Changed? * Camping For Christmas * Tell Me Why * J.C. * Doin' It All For Yale * The Kevin I Used To Be * Dino Kid
Though some of our songs might traditionally suggest a certain gender identity, we encourage you to sing any of the songs that speak to you. If a character mentions their name in the song lyric, you'll find an alternate name choice you can use if it suits you better.
We hope that many of you music/theatre educators and young musical theatre performers will find our book interesting and useful. You can purchase the book and the accompaniment tracks to the songs, as well as listen to the demos at